Saturday, October 20, 2007

Damaging Condition of The Hair their treatment


Dandruff is the presence of small while flakes usually appearing on the scalp and the hair. Dandruff is known by medical term "pityriasis". The direct cause of dandruff is the excessive shedding of outermost cells. The indirect causes are

  1. Poor blood circulation

  2. Improper diet

  3. Un-cleanliness

  4. Use of strong shampoo

  5. Insufficient rinsing of hair after shampooing

Types of Dandruff

  1. Dry type

  2. Greasy or waxy type

Cause for dry dandruff

  1. Poor blood circulation

  2. Lack of nerve stimulation

  3. Emotional disturbance

  4. Glandular disturbance

  5. Not producing sufficient oil

Treatment of dry dandruff

  • Scalp treatment (ozone treatment)

  • Herbal shampoo

  • Hot oil therapy

  • Use of antiseptic lotion

  • Henna treatment

Waxy type dandruff is mixed with sebum which makes the scalp itchy. If the scales are torn off, bleeding or oozing may occur.


The best thing to do is to keep the scalp clean, and do oil massage twice in a week.

Herbal Treatment

  • Massage scalp with essential oils like rosemary, cedar, lemon and eucalyptus to reduce flaking itchiness of the scalp.

  • 'Methi' seeds are also helpful in fighting dandruff. Soak them overnight, grind the next morning, mix in the juice of neem leaves and apply on the scalp .

  • In half cup of olive oil, put a small amount of camphor warm it lightly and apply to the scalp parting the hair straight and give a circular massage for the entire scalp.

  • Avoid fatty foods and red meat.

Graying of Hair

Causes of Graying hair

The colour of the hair depends on the presence of pigment granules in the cortex of the hair. With age there is a gradual dilution of pigment in the hair, so that in different hairs the full range of colours from normal to white can be found.

Grey hair can some times appear earlier. Rapid graying of hair may occur after severe emotional stress. In certain internal diseases hair might gray early. This is especially true of diseases of the thyroid gland and certain types of anemia's. Localised patches of gray hair can appear in certain areas. Perming, colouring and bleaching work to promote graying.

what can be done

The usual and the most effective way of dealing with graying of hair is dyeing it. There are several types of dyes available. The oxidative dyes are the most versatile and the most frequently used. But dyeing has its drawbacks- once you start dyeing it is seen to increase gray hairs. Henna is also used because apart from its safety, it is a superb conditioner. Having calcium pantothenate in the dose of 200 mg daily is a good treatment.


Causes:-The most common causes of spilt ends are; use of heated appliances (Hair dryers) and chemical processing (like using dies), using the wrong type of brush and comb and general neglect.



It is better to see a trichologist if handfuls of hair fall out after shampooing. For mild hair loss, use products that tone and invigorate the scalp and stimulate the growth. Scalping massage is good, which aside from being relaxing and reducing stress levels, loosens and stimulates the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.

Most hair loss is temporary, but when the follicles are destroyed by serious scalp burns, excessive exposure to x-rays, or vital infection, hair loss can be permanent.


Cause: It may or may not be a cause of dandruff

Cure: Dry scalp can be controlled by using a very gentle shampoo and intensive conditioner regularly.

Hair Care

Hair Care tips

  • Brush your hair regularly before going to bed each night.
  • Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Use very little but enough to cover hair completely with lather. Use a conditioner to keep hair manageable.
  • Avoid brushing wet hair. This will cause the hair to stretch and finally break. Finger-dry, or use a wide-toothed comb instead of a brush to gently remove the knots.
  • Restrict blow-drying your hair. The process of blow-drying is harsh on hair as it robs it of moisture.
  • Avoid dyes. Use mehandi (henna) instead as a conditioner and colouring agent.
  • Take a calcium supplement or drink two glasses of milk a day.
  • Always hold hair dryer away from your hair. Direct air from the hair dryer down hair shaft and not directly into the roots and keep it moving.
  • After a perm, never brush your hair. Instead comb hair gently.
  • Trim your hair once in 7 weeks to avoid split ends.
  • Avoid pulling back your hair tightly.
  • Never use a rubber band on your hair as it can pull and damage hair considerably.
  • Never go out in the sun without having your head covered.
  • Stimulate circulation by massaging your head with oil to which some vitamin E has been added. This will make hair soft and silky.
  • Never wash your hair with very hot or very cold water.
  • Learn to relax. Hair loss can happen because of stress. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin B, C and E.
  • Add iron and minerals in the natural form in your diet.
  • If your hair is oily, cut down on fried food and fat. Drink plenty of water.

Hair care

Natural tips for healthy hair
For Dandruff
  • Massage the Scalp with pure coconut oil. This will also help for growth of hair.
  • Apply coconut oil which has been boiled with small onions. Wash it off with a mixture of green gram powder and water drained from cooked (boiled) rice.
  • Apply a mixture of almond oil and gooseberry juice with finger tips on the scalp.
  • Apply the warm mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and coconut oil. Do a steam -towel- wrap for 15 minutes and wash the hair with a shampoo.
  • Apply a paste of fenugreek and mustard to the scalp. Fenugreek is one of the world's oldest medicinal herbs.
  • Mix Shikakai powder with the water drained from the cooked rice and wash the hair with it.
  • Crush the leaves of five petal hibiscus flower and take the juice. Wash the hair with this juice.
  • Heat the oil with a little camphor. Apply the oil in the scalp and massage for 10 minutes. After 30 minutes wash the hair with a herbal shampoo. Do the steam -towel- wrap for 15 minutes.

For Healthy and Shiny hair
  • It is better to apply castor oil for a healthy growth of hair.
  • Wash hair with tea once in a week.
  • Apply besan in the hair and wash it with water drained from the cooked rice.
  • Soak a handful of gooseberry in a cup of milk for two hours. Make it as a paste and apply in the hair.
  • Apply the mixture of an egg white, 2 spoon of castor oil, 1 spoon glycerin, in the scalp and hair. Wash it after some time.
  • Massage hair with warm coconut oil an hour before washing. Let it soak. Cover your head with a hot towel and wash your hair after an hour or so.
  • Boil a few hibiscus flowers in coconut oil. Filter and use this hair oil to control hair loss and thinning.
  • Do a 'steam-towel-wrap' once in a while, if your cuticles are damaged, as this steaming opens out the pores and absorbs the oil.
  • Deep condition with curd, beer and egg.
  • Mix a little vinegar in warm water and rinse your hair with this solution. This will add bounce to dull and lifeless hair.
  • Soak 1 teaspoon fenugreek in curd and keep it for a night. Have it in the next morning.
  • Boil coconut oil with the juices of curry leaves, basil, hibiscus flower and gooseberry. Apply on hair, keep it for sometime and rinse.
  • Egg white and curd is a good conditioner for hair.
  • Take a cup of coconut and mustard oils. Soak half a cup of curry leaves in the oil mixture and keep it for a night. Next morning, heat on a slow fire till the curry leaves turn crisp. Remove from heat and add two to three camphor balls. Allow oil to cool and then strain. Apply oil to hair roots using cotton wool along the parting and massage in circular movements. Leave the oil overnight and shampoo the next morning. Repeat twice a week.
  • Add a lemon peel to a 'shikakai' and 'amla' mixture while washing your hair.
For Graying
  • Take a little Mehandi , an egg, juice of half a lemon, one table spoon of instant coffee powder. Mix it together and apply on the hair. Wash it after 45 minutes.
  • Boil one cup of dried gooseberry with 4 cups of water. Add a pinch of sugar in it. Keep boiling till the quantity of the liquid reduces to one cup. Mix 2 cups of Mehendi, an egg, juice of a lemon and the gooseberry solution and apply on hair. Wash the hair after two hours

Friday, October 19, 2007

Lip Care

A few tips about caring your lips :

  • You can mix one-tablespoon cranberry sauce juice with two tablespoons Vaseline for a delicious home made lip balm.
  • Apply the juice of lemon skin for avoiding black colour of lips
  • Massage your lips with coriander leaf juice for soft and rosy lips.

Eye care

A few tips about caring your eyes :

Body Care

A few tips about caring your body :
  • Mix six-teaspoon petroleum jelly, two-teaspoon glycerin and two-teaspoon lemon juice. Apply this moisturizing lotion at least twice a week if you have dry and flaky, arms and legs
  • Peel and grate a cucumber. Squeeze the juice to this, mix half-a-teaspoon glycerin and half-a-teaspoon rose water. Apply this on sunburns, leave it for some time.
  • If you have cracked heels, melt paraffin wax; mix it with little mustard oil and apply on the affected area. Leave it overnight. After 10 or 15 days, your heels will become smooth.
  • Massage your body with a mixture of coconut oil and any of your favourite scented oils like lavender or rosemary.
  • For rough palms, use a mixture of glycerin and lime juice in equal proportion.
  • For cracked heals, massage the foot with coconut oil and keep the foot in warm water for some time. Wipe the water off the feet and apply a mixture of hibiscus flower(10), Henna (1 handful) and juice of half a lemon. when dry wash it off.
  • Remove scars on your hands and feet by rubbing them with lemon peel.

Battery Storage Tips

Auto batteries have a couple of ways they may become discharged when stored for a long period of time. If they are in a car, most cars computers and radios will draw a small amount of current to keep the memory active. Normally, this isn't a lot, but can be enough to discharge a battery over a long period of time. Batteries also have a certain amount of self discharge, they will slowly discharge without any load connected.

There is a condition that affects the capacity of the battery called sulfation. It is a layer that is built up on the plates from long periods of discharge caused by a reaction between the lead plates and the sulfuric acid. A quick charge will not remove it, however a long trickle charge can partially restore it. A former auto company engineer gave the example of a battery he had in a seldom used car under this condition, the "green eye" in this car battery would not stay green (indicating a charged battery) even after a quick charge. He put the battery on a trickle charger for a week, and it returned to normal operation. This effect is why it is good to try and determine the date code of any battery you buy in the store, if it has been on the shelf for over a year, it is better to try to find one somewhere else.

Tip: If you are going to have a battery in storage for months at a time in a car, disconnect it from the car, it will reduce the discharge. Or, periodically charge the battery, maybe once every 2 to 4 weeks. If you have it in storage disconnected from the car, a charge every month or two will help keep the self discharge from draining the battery. You may also look for regulated trickle chargers that are designed for this type of application. Thanks to a former auto company engineer for this tip

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Defensive Driving Tips

  • When traveling on a 4 lane or wider highway always stay in the right hand lane unless you are passing someone.
  • If an oncoming car loses control, and swerves across the median, the chances are that he will hit a vehicle in the left lane before hitting one in the right lane. So the right lane is the safest place to be. Always play the odds in your favor.

    Along the same lines, if you're traveling in the left lane and someone coming towards you swerves across the line, you have very little time to react. This is how head-on collisions occur.

    Curves are especially dangerous in this respect. The next time you are traveling around a curve on a road where there is no median, look at how worn the center line is. This is from cars crossing over into the oncoming lane. Be cautious, and stay to the right, especially on curves.

  • When traveling on a multi-lane road always give yourself maneuvering room in case another car looses control. Don't drive along right next to another vehicle, especially big trucks. One false move and you could get tangled up under the wheels of an 18 wheeler.
  • The idea is to always have an escape area, or a space to the front, rear and sides of your vehicle. That way if something goes wrong you have a place to maneuver into to avoid crashing.

  • Distance between you and the vehicle in front of you is absolutely critical. You must be able to maneuver, under control, if something happens to the vehicle in front of you.
  • This is especially true if you are traveling in the rain or snow. Allow yourself additional space if the road conditions are bad, because you can't stop as fast as you normally could.

    When road conditions are bad you don't want to be in the position where you have to make a panic stop, because then you will lose control of your vehicle. You must be able to slow down gradually and under control.

    If someone behind you gets impatient and passes you, simply back off and put an appropriate distance between you and them. It could save your life.

  • Be very cautious at stop signs and traffic lights. Whenever you take off from a stop sign or a traffic light after stopping, always look for oncoming cars that may be turning in front of you, and for cross traffic from both directions on the street you are going to cross. Don't assume that someone is going to stop just because they have a red light or a stop sign. Don't pull out in front of them until you are sure they have committed to stopping or yielding the right-of-way to you.
  • Also, when you are driving down the road always be on the look out for drivers who may not stop at side streets or intersections where they have either a stop sign or a red light. When you see someone approaching, slow down and be ready to stop just in case they don't....and when slowing down always be aware of how close cars behind you are. You don't want to slow down too quickly with someone on your rear bumper.

    Tuesday, October 9, 2007

    11 Tips For Saving Cash On Your Gas

    Nowadays, as the car owners, we should know the price of the gas are getting more and more ridiculous. And it’s going to keep increasing with no limit in sight! Therefore, it is becoming more and more important to maximize your money and save at the gas station.
    So, here i will show you 11 best tips to help you get the most out of your dollar.

    Tip 1: Shop Around

    This is the advice that you can apply anytime you buy anything. Always shop around. You can get a cheaper price for your favorite brand, and probably a yet cheaper price for a different brand.

    Tip 2: Use a Gasoline Credit Card

    Gasoline credit cards are great! They can save you 5% – 10% off your gasoline purchase.

    Tip 3: Buy Gasoline When the Weather is Cool

    Gasoline is denser in cooler temperatures, such as in the morning or at night. Gas stations measure volume, not density, so you'll be getting more solid fuel than vapors, thus improving your overall gas mileage.

    Tip 4: Avoid Gas Stations That Just Refilled Their Tanks

    When underground tanks are refilled, particles at the bottom of the tank get stirred up, and when these particles get into your gasoline tank, they affect the fuel efficiency of your car.

    Tip 5: Don’t Top Off

    The gas pump needs time to draw out the full amount of gas, so When you purchase a bit of gas the station, you get short bursts of fuel that you'll probably pay extra for. You should refill your tank when you have less than half a talk left or when you find a price that is so low you cannot afford to miss it.

    Tip 6: Don’t Use High Octane Gas

    Most cars nowadays are built to run on regular unleaded gas. Purchasing higher octane gas is simply a waste of money. Octane measures how hard it is to ignite gas, not the quality of the gas, so getting higher octane gas will not improve fuel efficiency. You should only get these more expensive gases when your engine pings, knocks or rattles.

    Tip 7: Pump Your Own Gas

    It's cheaper to pump your own gas at the self-serve stations rather than using the full-serve pumps. Full-serve gasoline naturally costs more.

    Tip 8: Press the pump's trigger slowly

    If you manage to use the pump by your own, make sure that you press the pump's trigger slowly so that less gas bubbles get in your tank.

    Tip 9: Lessen the Use of Air-Conditioning

    This tip is simple enough. Air-conditioning uses electricity, and they can reduce fuel economy by up to 20%. It's advisable to use the air ventilation system instead.

    Tip 10: Plan Your Trip

    You can avoid unnecessary driving by planning your trip before hand, and of course that saves you money on gas consumption.

    Tip 11: Purchase Vehicles That Get Good Mileage

    This is probably one of the best tips anybody can give on saving money at the gas pump. It's always better to purchase vehicles that get good gas mileage. Check with your car dealer about cars that have better fuel economy.

    Monday, October 8, 2007

    Growing Back Broken Heart

    Custom-made hearts could one day replace transplants, thanks to a team of Australian scientists and surgeons headed by the Bernard O'Brien Institute of Microsurgery. Researchers have successfully grown new heart tissue that beats on its own by implanting cardiac cells and blood vessels into a chamber in the body, where they grow to fill the space.
    Scientist previously have created only two-dimensional constructions such as skin, but the team says the development is the first step to creating new organs to replace diseased and injured body parts. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women, with almost 80% of such deaths worldwide now occurring in Asia.

    Sunday, October 7, 2007


    Feel thirst and tired all the time? if so, you could have diabetes without knowing it. Below is what to look for:
    • Apart from increased fatigue and thirst, typical symptoms include frequent urinating (kidneys excreting excess sugar), weight loss, blurred vision (blood glucose accumulation in lens) and genital itching (due to thrush). Cuts may also take longer to heal.
    • Type 1 diabetes can be triggered by a virus and tends to develop within days or over weeks; Type 2 onset is slower and can be mistaken for stress or ageing.
    • People under 40 are more prone to Type 1 but, due to rising levels of obesity, are now the fastest growing group for Type 2 - once linked with old age. Both types run in families.
    • If you're worried, go to your doctor for a urine test to measure your glucose level. A healthy diet and daily exercise are crucial for preventing Type 2.
    For more information, go to

    Saturday, October 6, 2007

    Scientists Found Appendix’s Purpose

    Seemingly useless organ may produce, protect good germs for your gut

    Some scientists think they have figured out the real job of the troublesome and seemingly useless appendix: It produces and protects good germs for your gut.
    That’s the theory from surgeons and immunologists at Duke University Medical School, published online in a scientific journal this week. For generations the appendix has been dismissed as superfluous. Doctors figured it had no function. Surgeons removed them routinely. People live fine without them.
    And when infected the appendix can turn deadly. It gets inflamed quickly and some people die if it isn’t removed in time. Two years ago, 321,000 Americans were hospitalized with appendicitis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The function of the appendix seems related to the massive amount of bacteria populating the human digestive system, according to the study in the Journal of Theoretical Biology. There are more bacteria than human cells in the typical body. Most of it is good and helps digest food.
    But sometimes the flora of bacteria in the intestines die or are purged. Diseases such as cholera or amoebic dysentery would clear the gut of useful bacteria. The appendix’s job is to reboot the digestive system in that case.
    The appendix “acts as a good safe house for bacteria,” said Duke surgery professor Bill Parker, a study co-author. The location of the appendix — just below the normal one-way flow of food and germs in the large intestine in a sort of gut cul-de-sac — helps support the theory, he said. Also, the worm-shaped organ outgrowth acts like a bacteria factory, cultivating the good germs, Parker said. That use is not needed in a modern industrialized society, Parker said. If a person’s gut flora dies, they can usually repopulate it easily with germs they pick up from other people, he said. But before dense populations in modern times and during epidemics of cholera that affected a whole region, it wasn’t as easy to grow back that bacteria and the appendix came in handy. In less developed countries, where the appendix may be still useful, the rate of appendicitis is lower than in the U.S., other studies have shown, Parker said. The appendix, which is about two to four inches long, may be another case of an overly hygienic society triggering an overreaction by the body’s immune system, he said.

    Friday, October 5, 2007

    Genetic and Miscarriage

    Researchers in Canada has discovered the molecular glitch that explains why some women lose their babies late in their pregnancy. Known as foetal-growth restriction, the condition strikes three per cent of all the second-leading cause of infant deaths in industrialised countries, after premature birth.
    Earlier research had shown that a gene producing a protein known as insulinelike growth factor II, or IGF2, was critical to feed the feotus and help feotal cells divide and grow.
    The normal form of this protein has a very long chemical structure. However, to function properly when helping to build the placenta, another molecule ,PC4, has to effectively cut the growth-factor protein to a length crucial to a healthy pregnancy.
    "We have found the scissors in some women are not sharp enough, or they just don't have enough scissors," said Dr Andrèe Gruslin, co-author of the report, "point to a gene that's either not active enough or is defective in these women." Gruslin has found some success with certain interventions, but stresses she can offer no scientific research to explain their effectiveness at this point.

    Thursday, October 4, 2007

    Dental X-rays expose early osteoporosis

    Dentist may now be able to detect more than just tooth decay on dental X-rays. British researchers have developed computer software that checks images of the lower jaw for early signs of osteoporosis.
    "The technique uses X-rays already taken for dental reasons, so it is 'something for nothing'," says software designer Keith Horner, a professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery at the university of Manchester. The software is not a replacement for DXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) - the gold standard for diagnosing osteoporosis but sound an alarm. "many women don't find out they have osteoporosis until it is too late." says Horner. "Our test can be seen as "opportunistic" case -finding of women that might never be diagnosed until they developed a fracture."
    Dentists in the UK expect to introduce this screening as early as next year. Asia may have no longer.

    Wednesday, October 3, 2007


    A new study by scientist at the McGill University Health Center (MUHC) has revealed that a diet low in folate - a B vitamin found in Legumes, fruits and vegetables - may increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer.

    Using animal models, the MUHC study is the first to demonstrate directly that the amount of folate in the diet may be linked to colorectal tumours in mice. "None of the mice fed a control diet developed tumours, whereas one in four mice on the folate-deficient diet developed at least one tumour," says Dr Rima Rozen, sientific diretor of the MUHC and lead investigator in the study.

    Tuesday, October 2, 2007


    Even if you follow just the first seven tips below (and don't smoke, of course), you will reduce the chance of having a heart attack by as much as 90% compared to a typical person your age!

    1. Walk about 30 minutes a day every day,no matter what - and then call someone. Walking a half hour a day decreases the risk of having a heart attack by 30 per cent. I've found if you succeed at walking daily,you can also succeed at doing other things to improve your health. If you skip, you will start compromising your health in other ways too. Calling someone every is crucial; that's the real commitment. Find a person who's supportive and will not nag but will call if you haven't call her. And by the way, it usually is a "her". Men tend to be lousy at this.

    2. Know your blood pressure and do whatever it takes to get down to 115/75. Your blood pressure number may be even more important than your cholesterol. And you can lower it yourself. the best way? Getting a little exercise and losing some belly fat. The omentum is what hangs over the stomach. The fat that's stored there feeds the kidney, liver and other vital organs. But when you gain weight, you add fat inside the relatively rigid "kidney capsule." This fat pushes on the kidney and more blood pressure is needed to drive blood through. So it released blood pressure. When your blood pressure goes down really fast.
    Cutting back on salt may help, but for some people reducing sugar and saturated fat in the diet may help even more. But if your blood pressure is over 140/90 and you're not going to do these things reliably, then you should probably go on blood-pressure medication. New drugs can reduce blood pressure without major side effects.

    3. Eat an ounce of nuts a day. Nuts raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) good cholesterol and decrease inflammation. But they have a heart benefit independent of those too. We're not sure why. Nut have healthy omega-3 fatty acids, healthy protein and some fibre. And this tips is easy to do! Nuts that are raw, fresh and unsalted have the most benefit. You can develop ataste for them if you give them chance. But if you want roast, say, (shelled) walnuts, put them in the oven at 175 degrees Celsius for about 10 minutes. If you do it yourself, it won't cause any bad fats or dangerous chemical acrylamides to form.

    4. Learn your HDL number and do what you can to raise it to 50. For wome, some believe a high low-density Lipoprotein (LPL). We have no idea why, but study after
    study shows that the higher, the better (50 is fine). Easy ways you can increase it: exercise; have one drink a day; eat healthy fats, such as olive and canola oil and nuts. Talk to your doctor about niacin, which raised HDL but can have side effects. Ask, too, about pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5, which may also help. While the main function of statin drugs is to lower LDL, some also raise HDL.

    5. Eat ten tablespoons of tomato sauce a week. This is one of favorite tips. Tomato sauce is loaded with blood-pressure-slashing potassium. We're not talking about salty, fatty sauces, or serving with a huge portion of pasta. Keep it simple and healthy, and get a great benefit.

    6. Floss your teeth regularly. Avoiding periodontal disease prevents inflammation in the arteries, which helps you head off heart disease. Most people don't know that your arterial health, and that includes blood flow to the heart and sexual organs,m and maybe even wrinkles on your skin.

    7. Eat no more than 20 grams of saturated fat a day and as little trans fat as possible. Saturated fat and trans fats lead to inflammation in the arteries. One cinnamon roll may have seven grams of saturated fat.A 113-gram slice of roast pork tenderloin has about 4 grams. trans fat (partially hydrogenated oils), found in many processed and baked foods, are probably at least as bad as saturated fats, and maybe a little worse.

    8. Read labels and throw out all food that has sugar in the first five ingredients. Don't be fooled by foods that are low in fat but high in sugar. The sugar cause inflammation. And if you eat more sugar than you need, it gets morphed into omentum fat, that dangerous fat around the belly. For a while in the 1990s, many people used "low fat" salad dressings that turned out to be loaded with calorie laden sugar. And they didn't contain any good fats like olive oil, which are beneficial. Healthy fats are better than empty sugar calories. (Because the sugar in fruit is in the form of complex carbohydrate, it's usually fine.)

    9. Fasting for a few days in a week. Try fasting start from sun rising to dusk a day for a few days in a week an u will see the unbelievable result.
    During a fast, a person purposely abstains from food for a specific period of time. Fasting has been practiced throughout the ages for both religious and therapeutic purposes. If you gorge on food on day, and then eat half as much or fast the next day may, it may help you lose pounds of fat. Removing fats means
    decreases the risk of having a heart disease. Nowadays scientific studies have been done to back up health claims and demonstrate that fasting works by releasing toxins stored in fat.

    Eat nine serving of colorful fruits and vegetables a day. That comes with a lot of fibre, and you shouldn't increase to that amount all at once or people won't stay in the same room with you! But you'll adjust in two to six weeks. Make sure you wash fresh produce carefully and throughly. If you try fresh locally grown veggies prepared well, you'll be amazed at good they taste.