Sunday, October 7, 2007


Feel thirst and tired all the time? if so, you could have diabetes without knowing it. Below is what to look for:
  • Apart from increased fatigue and thirst, typical symptoms include frequent urinating (kidneys excreting excess sugar), weight loss, blurred vision (blood glucose accumulation in lens) and genital itching (due to thrush). Cuts may also take longer to heal.
  • Type 1 diabetes can be triggered by a virus and tends to develop within days or over weeks; Type 2 onset is slower and can be mistaken for stress or ageing.
  • People under 40 are more prone to Type 1 but, due to rising levels of obesity, are now the fastest growing group for Type 2 - once linked with old age. Both types run in families.
  • If you're worried, go to your doctor for a urine test to measure your glucose level. A healthy diet and daily exercise are crucial for preventing Type 2.
For more information, go to

1 comment:

NASHER said...

i think i just thirsty.. hehe..
anyway thanks for your information.. lots benefit for me.